CROSSOVER CEREMONY CUBMASTER-Tonight is a special meeting because we honor our second year Webelos and their parents. Will Webelos Scout(name) and his parents please come forward. (After each scout has been called up). These Scouts, parents, and Webelos leaders have brought honor to our pack as they have climbed the Cub Scout trail together. Thank you parents and den leaders forthe help and encouragement you have given your son. Thank you Webelos for your hard work and contribution to our pack. Our Webelos are now ready to go into the great brotherhood of Boy Scouting. With the help of his parents, he will soon start up the Boy Scout trail. Last month you received your Arrow of Light. This is the badge you have permission to wear as a Boy Scout. Arrow-of-light was the son of the mighty chief, Akela, of the webelo tribe. These Webelos have done as Arrow-of-light did and have followed Akela. You have been faithful followers and now it is time to follow Akela into Boy Scouts. There are new leaders tnere who will help guide you along the Scouting trail. Listen to them. METEU--When the mighty chief Akela spoke, the braves of the tribe would form a council ring around the fire. Akela told of the law of the tribe, that all young braves must complete certain requirements before they becomea Scouting Brave. They must go into the forest and learn from the wolf. Then they must go into the forest and learn from the bear. They learned the language of the ground and air, of the tracks and the ways to food. The young braves must go into the forest and learn from the Great Manitou. They learned to trust the'Great Pathfinder' and to uphold the law 'live and help live.' Then it was time to take their place in the tribe. You, too, have learned many things and it is time to take your place in a Boy Scout troop. Listen to what the winds say. ALLOWAT--I am the North Wind. People say I am cold, but to you I will always bring the warmest of winds because you have been loyal Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts and have lived the Law of the Pack. NUTIKET--I am the South Wind. I wish you good scouting. Over the land I have carried stories of you and your experiences. As Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts you have been happy, willing and fair - a credit to your den and pack. KITCHKINET--I am the East Wind. I wish you well. I have spread the story of your fun and happiness in Cub Scouting with your pack and of how you have lived up to the Cub Scout Promise and were fair and helpful. METEU--I am the West Wind. I would like everyone to know that these graduating Webelos Scouts did not walk the Cub Scout trail alone. Each had the wonderful help and guidance of his parents. (PAUSE). Parents, continue to help your boys go and grow! ALLOWAT-- We will be with you forever. We wish you the best in your travels and experiences on the Scouting trail. Follow me! (Walk across the bridge leading Cub Scouts). Thanks to Mr. Paul Bicket for obtaining this for our CSRT. Paul is an Eagle Scout from Last Frontier Council, Oklahoma City, and a member of Ma Nu OA lodge. His brother John, also an Eagle Scout is OA section Chief SR-3A.